What do mosquitoes look like?
Asian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) are black with silvery white markings resembling tiger stripes on their bodies and legs. This species has one pair of scale-covered wings and an easy-to-see tube-like mouthpart called a proboscis. They’re about an eighth of an inch long.

When are Mosquitoes most active?
Are mosquitoes dangerous?
Unfortunately, these daytime biting mosquitoes can transmit a number of diseases including Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), West Nile virus, Chikungunya, and dengue fever.
How can I tell if I have a mosquito problem?
Because Asian tiger mosquitoes feed during the daylight hours (from sun-up to sun-down), you’ll probably not only see them flying around but swat at them as they try to take a blood meal. If mosquitoes are a problem on your property, you may also see (and hear) mosquitoes buzzing around flowering plants or around standing water.
What attracts mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are attracted to properties where they can find food sources, places to breed, and resting sites. While both female and male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, females require blood meals in order to reproduce.
They also need standing water so if your property has stagnant ditches, flower pots, spare tires, tarps, and other items that can hold even a small amount of water, you’re likely to have a mosquito problem.
Finally, these species of mosquito tend to remain at ground level and may hide under decks and shrubs.
How do I get rid of mosquitoes?
At Getem Services, we offer seasonal mosquito control services (April – the last week of September) that target mosquitoes where they breed and where they rest. To learn more about our mosquito treatments or to sign up for this service, please reach out today!
How can I prevent a mosquito infestation?
In order to make your property less appealing to mosquitoes, we recommend the following pest prevention tips:
- Clear leaves, twigs, and other debris out of your gutters
- Make sure downspouts divert water away from the foundation
- Keep ditches on your property free of build-up
- Empty bird baths regularly
- Refresh pet water bowls daily
- Reduce the number of flowering plants on your property
- Seal all cracks, gaps, and openings on the exterior of your home
- Replace broken window screens and/or screen doors
To prevent mosquito bites, you may consider avoiding peak mosquito hours, wearing lighter-colored clothing, and refraining from wearing scents and perfumes that have a flowery scent.