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5 Tips For A Pest Free New Year
January 5, 2024

5 Tips For A Pest Free New Year

Are you ready for a new year? Did you already get that gym membership and swear-off sweets? That's what we do, right? We try to make better decisions in the new year than we did in the last. Did you have trouble with a pest last year? Did wasps create a nest in the eave of your roof or were ants a nuisance in your kitchen? Let's look at five tips that can help you deal with the common pests we have in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and throughout Hampton Roads and make this a pest-free year.

spider web on front porch of chesapeake va home

#1 Remove spider webs

Spider webs are unsightly, but you may do little about them. It takes work to remove spider webs. Plus, you may think that those webs are helping to reduce flies and other pests. It's somewhat true. Spiders catch and eat other bugs that pester you. But, if we're being honest, they don't do a great job. Perhaps it is because we don't pay them. It is best to remove those webs. Here's why:

  • Spider webs can have egg sacs, and an egg sac can have hundreds of spider eggs in it.
  • Many spiders like to create webs where other web material is found.
  • Spider webs can attract certain wasp species because they eat spiders.

When you see webs, use a spider web removal tool to get rid of them. If you find egg sacs in the webs, crush them. Once you're done, wipe the surfaces where you found the webbing to further deter spiders from creating webs.

#2 Pick up yard clutter

It is easy for clutter to build up in the yard, particularly in the backyard, where it isn't seen from the road. If you have clutter in your yard, it can increase your pest troubles. Why? The reason is different depending on the pest. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Yard clutter creates touch stimuli for rats and mice and will allow them to easily move about in your yard.
  • Norway rats like to hide underneath junk piles.
  • Spiders like to hide in the cavities and voids found within the objects in your yard.
  • Cockroaches and other insects like to hide underneath yard clutter, where they find protection from the drying effects of the hot, Virginia sun.
  • Yard clutter can capture rainwater and create a breeding site for mosquitoes.

The best solution is to store things inside or remove them from your property. If you have objects you want to store in your backyard, consider placing them on a plastic pallet to get them off the ground. That will help.

#3 Take care of tree limbs

When you pick up dead branches, do you stack them in a brush pile? If you do, that pile can become the catalyst for a wood-destroying insect problem. Termites are continually looking for decaying wood that is sitting on or beneath the soil and carpenter ants love to find water damaged wood to infest.

What can you do with those branches as well as rotting stumps and other dead or dying wood on your property? We recommend having them hauled off as soon as possible.

#4 Remove leaf litter

There are many pests that like to crawl around underneath leaves in your landscaping. Bugs like the dark, moist habitat found underneath leaves. A few potential pests you'll find under leaf litter are ants, centipedes, millipedes, and silverfish.

  • Blow the leaves out of your landscaping.
  • Remove the leaves from underneath your back deck.
  • Rake leaves on your lawn and remove them.

It is critical to stay on top of this chore as leaves bring many kinds of pests onto your property and near your home. All it takes is a little muscle to get big results.

#5 Manage your exterior trash

The scent of garbage is like a dinner bell for flies, ants, cockroaches, and other pests that feed on decaying organic matter. There are many ways to manage your trash to deter pests. Here are some suggestions:

  • Always keep your trash in covered containers.
  • Don't overfill your receptacles.
  • Get your trash to the curb each and every week.
  • If trash sits for a week, wash your receptacles.
  • Position your trash away from exterior doors to prevent flies from getting into your home.

Along with trash management, make sure to also apply sanitation wherever needed. Your garbage isn't the only thing that will create a scent that attracts pests.

Contact Getem Services for the best home pest control in Hampton Roads!

It is a lot of work to keep pests out of your home. If you'd like an easier solution, we can help. January is a great time to get started with year-round home pest control. Reach out to Getem Services to learn about our quarterly pest control services and get the perfect home pest control plan in place before all the pests start showing up in your yard or worse, your home again. Request a free quote to get started.

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